
How to Disinfect Every Room in Your House

Living during a pandemic has caused a myriad of problems. Nonetheless, one of the positive outcomes of this outbreak is that people are growing more mindful of their hygiene habits and cleanliness. We now understand better how important it is to clean and disinfect our houses if we want to protect ourselves from germs. Whether you have a lot of time on your hands or are working from home, you must have started regularly disinfecting your house. Are you looking for effective methods to disinfect your house? We are happy to help you out. Here is a guide to help you disinfect your home properly.

How to Disinfect the Kitchen

Before disinfecting your kitchen, pick the right gloves for the task. Rubber gloves are a good option, as they are reusable and more durable. Of course, you can use disposable latex ones too.

Switches and Control Panels

You may forget to clean switches and control panels in your kitchen. Handles, buttons, and control panels on kitchen appliances, light fixtures, and cabinets are very dirty. We touch them every day, and so they gather lots of bacteria and microorganisms on them. Use disinfectant wipes to clean handles, swishes, buttons, and control panels in your kitchen.

Countertops, Stoves, and Cabinets

To clean countertops, stoves, and cabinets, use surface sanitizers or disinfectants. We recommend wiping these surfaces with some soap and water before you disinfect them. Make sure to remove any food particles stuck on these surfaces.

The Kitchen Floor

To clean the kitchen floor, use a normal floor or surface cleaner. If you don’t have cleaner, hot steam can effectively sterilize your kitchen floor. But be very careful when using hot water for cleaning as you may burn yourself.

How to Disinfect the Bathroom

Wash bath towels and doormats at least once every week. Change the hand towels in your bathroom daily. You should disinfect shower tops, bathroom counters, tubs, and the floor daily. These surfaces come in contact with bodily fluids daily.

Keep a microfiber cloth to clean your bathroom sink. It provides gentle abrasion to loosen mucous, soap particles, and whatever comes in contact with your sink. Keep a separate microfiber cloth or sponge to clean the toilet seat and cover. Use a toilet brush to clean the insides of the toilet every two days. Make sure that you use proper cleaners and disinfectants for all the important areas of your bathroom.

How to Disinfect the Living Room

Light switches, doorknobs, end tables are highly contaminated.  Spray some disinfectant on a clean cloth and gently wipe these surfaces.  Make sure to read the instructions on the label of your disinfectant first. Some disinfectants may require you to leave them for a minute.

You do scrub your floor and dust regularly, but you may not clean electronics that often. Phones, remotes, laptops, and keyboard harbor plenty of bacteria. You can either use 70% isopropyl alcohol or alcohol wipes to disinfect these items. There are also special sanitizers to disinfect phone screens. They can be very useful to clean the screens of TV, laptops, tablets, and smartphones in your house.

How to Disinfect the Bedroom

You need to wash fabrics like bed linens, pillow covers, cushion covers on a weekly basis. Use a vacuum cleaner to wipe the dust from soft surfaces like bedspreads, pillows, sofa, cushions, or cushioned chair. You should have a separate vacuum cleaner attachment to clean the surfaces you sit and lie on.

Then, use a good phenolic disinfectant spray to spray the soft surfaces in your bedroom. Wipe or rinse the disinfectant as per the instructions on the label.

You can use normal disinfectants or special disinfectants for wooden furniture in your bedroom. If you are using a normal disinfectant, make sure it is gentle on your furniture.