
6 Signs That It’s Time to Replace the Carpet in Your Home

There’s nothing quite like carpet in your home. It provides cushioning for your feet. It dampens sound. It even adds to the beauty and overall aesthetic of the room. However, whether you’ve gone retro with shag carpeting, have a lovely Berber style in your bedrooms, or you have thick-pile in the family room, you’ll eventually need to replace it. Not sure if your carpet is quite ready to be replaced? Here are six signs that it’s high time to get a move on.

1. Permanent Stains

Over time, your carpet is going to come into contact with all types of substances, from dirt on the soles of your shoes to pet hair to red wine. Some of those substances can be cleaned up easily, while others will require a little TLC to handle. Yet others may not be removable at all. If your carpets are very stained and you’ve tried everything including professional carpet cleaning with no results, it’s definitely time to replace that carpet.

2. Matting

Over time, high-pile type carpet becomes matted. The fibers that once stood upright slowly get bent down and knotted together, until the wear pattern is highly visible. This actually happens to all carpets to an extent, but it’s less visible on loop-style carpets. If your carpet has become so matted that not even a rake can pull out those tangles, it’s time for a replacement.

3. Mold

Any moisture on, in or under your carpet can encourage mold to grow. This includes everything from pet urine to spilled water. Once mold gets a foothold in the carpet itself or the underlying padding, it’s definitely time to replace it. You may also need to consider some TLC for the subflooring under the carpet if the situation is particularly serious.

4. Odors

You care for your carpets with regular vacuuming, but over time, debris and stains can build up. Along with those come odors. It might be related to pet hair or urine. It could be a moldy or mildew odor. Whatever the case, if your carpet has started to smell and you can’t eliminate it, then it’s time to replace it.

5. Permanent Stains

Over time, your carpet is going to come into contact with all types of substances, from dirt on the soles of your shoes to pet hair to red wine. Some of those substances can be cleaned up easily, while others will require a little TLC to handle. Yet others may not be removable at all. If your carpets are very stained and you’ve tried everything including professional carpet cleaning with no results, it’s definitely time to replace that carpet.

6. Wrinkles and Bulges

When new, carpet should be taut and firm, pulled tight by the tackstrip at the edges of the room. However, over time, the fabric can stretch, and this allows wrinkles and bulges to form. If this is the case with yours, replacement is needed.

7. Fraying

Everyday wear and tear will eventually cause damage to your carpet. This is usually seen in fraying, particularly along the edge where carpeting meets hard-surface flooring, but it might be seen under furniture and in high traffic areas. There’s no repair for this – you’ll need to replace your carpeting.

There you have them – six signs that it’s high time you replace your home’s carpeting. When it happens, make sure you have a trusted professional in mind for removal and installation of the new carpet.