
How to Remove oil Stains From Carpet and Rug

Did you know that it takes around 17 full steps on a carpet or rug (after entering a home) for the soles of the shoes to be completely cleared of outside debris or material? In those steps, everything from bacteria and mud to dirt and oil are deposited on the carpet’s fibers. It is a main reason that so many people take off shoes whenever entering their homes, yet it is also a way to prevent yourself from needing to
remove oil stains from carpet and rug.

The Problem With Oil

When we say you may never need to remove oil stains from carpet and rug if you implement a “no shoes” policy in the home, we are actually not being 100% accurate. After all, it is not just those outdoor oils that can make their way to a rug or a carpet. In fact, spilled cooking oils can be just as easy to transfer to carpeting as outdoor oils. Dropping food can transfer oil to a carpet, and any number of household projects can lead to some sort of oily residue on a carpet. We won’t even mention what a pet’s coat can do to furnishings and carpet!

The problem with oil is that it can so quickly bond to the fibers in a rug or carpet, and then become seemingly impossible to eliminate. The good news is that the following tips can help to remove oil stains from carpet and rug most effectively.

Begin by Blotting

The first step is to try to soak up as much of the oil from the carpet using the paper towels or other materials. Keep blotting and pressing against the spill to absorb the oil and get it out of the fibers. Then, apply a small amount of the alcohol to the stain, still blotting to prevent the oil from spreading outward.

Rinsing Is Next

Once you have blotted up as much as you can with the paper and alcohol, you will create one court of rinsing solution that uses only half of a teaspoon of detergent to four cups of warm water. Gently sponge the detergent into the stain and continually blot to lift all of the oil.

Keep in mind that remove oil stains from carpet and rug may also require the use of a baby powder or corn starch to absorb the spill, and then vacuum it away. You may also want to skip any DIY efforts, apart from blotting up the excess, and have the contact number for a professional on hand. This is especially true if you have costly or even Oriental rugs in your home.

Durability also means resistance to soiling, and you will want to find a rug that can be treated or easily cleaned without losing its strength, color or character.

Though you may want to start out by choosing the print or style, use these other factors first as they can steer you towards the best options.