
How to Hide Carpet Stains Until the Cleaner Arrives

Getting that carpet cleaning scheduled always seems to happen right around the time you really notice how dingy or stained your carpet looks. Depending on the time of year, or your area, you may have to wait just a few days or weeks to get the professionals into your space – and in the meantime, you’re stuck looking at the carpet you’ve just realized isn’t at its best

Maybe you’ve got guests coming soon and want to make the place look presentable, but the carpet cleaners can’t come till the day after.

Whatever the case may be, you need your carpet to look good right now, until the cleaners arrive. We’ve got a few tips up our sleeve to help you do just that.

Try a DIY Spot Treatment

If you’ve hired the pros because your carpet has a few bad stains, you can try to lighten them up with a DIY spot treatment solution. You don’t need anything out of the ordinary, and it won’t have any impact on the way the professionals can clean the carpet later.

Simply spray the stain with a mixture of mild vinegar and baking soda, and lay a damp cloth over the spot. Then use a heated iron with the steam setting on, and iron lightly over the cloth. When you lift the cloth, a portion of the old stain should be transferred to the cloth. This can help with a variety of stains, and if it doesn’t get rid of the stain completely, it will at least lighten the appearance.

It’s important not to do this with an expensive Persian or authentic oriental rug. These are delicate hand-made carpets that require special care only.

The Old Switcheroo

One easy way to make a room look presentable till the cleaners arrive is to simply move the furniture around a bit. You don’t have to think up an entirely new arrangement for your furniture. Most of the time, stains happen around tables and chairs – the places where you’d naturally sit with something like food or drink. Simply turning a coffee table another direction can help cover up a stain.

If the stain is out in the middle of an entrance or a room, where furniture won’t go, then consider tossing down a quick throw rug. It’s an inexpensive and easy way to get the room looking great again until the matter can be dealt with.

Not Permanent Fixes

Of course, neither of these options are permanent solutions for getting rid of stains and grime from your carpet. A professional cleaning performed regularly keeps your carpet looking great all the time, and can also help prevent stains in the future. Be sure to ask your cleaners if they have a sealant or Scotchguard process to prevent future stains.